26.07.2017 |
“Games Germany – Regional Funds and Networks” reception: Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017, 15:45, „Made In Germany“ Area.
During a reception at the world’s largest games fair gamescom in Cologne “Games Germany – Regional Funds and Networks” (GG) will officially start. Petra Müller, Head of the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW will give a short introduction before the networking starts.
You are all cordially invited to join us for this occasion right in the middle of the „Made in Germany area“, in Hall 3.2 B-013/C-012 in the business area.
26.07.2017 |
With over 1.000 m² of games in hall 10.1., the Indie Arena Booth has become the world’s largest shared game developer showcase in the world. It presents over 80 games from 24 countries and covers the whole spectrum from newcomer teams to AA indie publishers.
Games Germany is proud to support the 5th anniversary edition of the Indie Arena Booth.
More information about the Indie Arena Booth can be found on their website.
26.07.2017 |
On may 17th 2017 more than 200 international guests of the Nordic Game conference in Malmö joined Games Germany on the rooftop of the Grilljanne to enjoy an amazing view and networking opportunity.
Till Hardy (Film und Medien Stiftung NRW), Jan Lingemann (Mediennetzwerk NRW), Denise Anh-Dao Beyschlag (games:net berlinbrandenburg), Robin Hartmann (Games/Bavaria) welcomed the guests to the official kick-off Games Germany and invited the Games Industry to discover each German Region in the frame of the upcoming cross-regional activities.
As Games Germany aims to support the German Games industry´s appearance at big national and international trade shows this was the first try while still not being official and already a huge success.