16.02.2021 |
Past articles on this website have been all around founding. An overview over all the deadlines 2021 for the regional fundings in Germany and how to combine federal and regional funding.
But Germany has more to offer than various networks all across the country, regional fundings and annual 50 Mio Euro of federal funding.
Click here for the full article on Gamasutra about the 5 reasons to join the games industry in Germany and read more about Germany’s vibrant developer scene, a healthy work-life balance and the future of the German games industry.
12.02.2021 |
Besides the federal funding, there are also the various regional funding houses within Germany. An overview of the various funding institutions and submission deadlines in 2021.
Please visit the respective funding institution’s page for more details, contacts, etc.
FFF Bayern
Entry deadlines: 02.02.21 | 01.06.21 | 12.10.21
Decision Allocation Commitee: 18.02.21 | 16.06.21 | 17.11.21
Film- und Medienstiftung NRW
Entry deadlines: 10.02.21 | 12.05.21 | 16.09.21
Gamecity Hamburg
Prototype funding application period: 31.03.-25.05.21
Prototype funding application period (second round): 30.08.-18.10.21
Game Lift Incubator application period: end of June – end of July 2021
MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg
Entry deadlines: 21.01.21 | 27.07.21
Jury meeting: 29.04.21 | 28.10.21
MDM Mitteldeutschland Medienförderung
Entry deadlines: 25.02.21 | 20.05.21 | 09.09.21
Decision dates: 02.06.21 | 08.09.21 | 08.12.21
Entry Deadlines: 06.05.21 | 02.09.21
05.02.2021 |
It was long talked about and finally got on the road in 2020: The annual 50 Mio Euro committed by the federal government for the funding of games. A regulatory framework was established and communicated and first projects got their funding.
One thing was still to do: How can that funding be combined with then regional funding? And, dear friends that issue is now resolved. It is a clear „Yes we can“. The specifics on what is possible and what is not can be found in the FAQ provided by the federal government.
For all further questions you can also directly contact your regional fund or get in touch with us and we gladly point you in the right direction.