23.05.2018 |
More than 200 people followed the invitation to kick off Nordic Game 2018. Games Germany and game invited the games industry already present on day 0 to join them and meet the German Industry and regional institutions. Andrea Peters, Sandra Winterberg and Felix Falk welcomed everyone in the last sunshine of the day. Also present Ester Petri (mfg), Ina Göring (mbb), Rebecca Lautner (medianet berlin) and Till Hardy (Mediennetzwerk.NRW, FMS).
We wish everybody a great time at Nordic game 2018!
07.05.2018 |
Games Germany, Regional Funds and Networks and game, the German Games Industry Association, invite you to kick-off the Nordic Game Conference!
Get to know us and the people you will spend the next 3 days with at our Warm up Reception on
May 22nd
@Restaurang M.E.C.K., Stora Varvsgatan 6 (Media Evolution City)
7 pm- 10 pm
Join us for great talks, drinks, snacks and networking in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the sunset over the docks!
Please register here!
If you don’t have your ticket for the Nordic Game Conference yet- get it now and use our 20% discount code! Find it here!
See you soon!
07.12.2017 |
Yesterday German developers have been awarded with the Deutscher Entwicklerpreis in 19 categories including the award for Best German Game and Best Studio. We are happy to have supported the great event and heartily congratulate all winners! The award show took place in the wonderful event location Dock.One in Cologne.
Click here for the complete list of winners and nominees.
© photo: Jennifer Pitton
23.08.2017 |
Games Germany – Regional Funds and Networks has started on Tuesday, August 22nd, at the gamescom in the Made in Germany-Area . Six regional film funds and seven network institutions of of the German games industry have joined forces to create the umbrella organisation GamesGermany – Regional Funds and Networks.
The goal of Games Germany is the coordination and pooling of activities by the regional institutions and, above all, the joint presentation of Germany as a games hub on a national and international level.
Acting on behalf of the partners, Petra Müller, CEO of the Film- und
Medienstiftung NRW, launched Games Germany
The partners of Games Germany are:
- FFF Bayern
- Film- und Medienstiftung NRW
- gamearea-FRM (Hessen)
- gamecity:Hamburg
- Games/Bavaria
- games:net berlinbrandenburg
- Game Up!Rheinland Pfalz
- Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung
- Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
- Mediennetzwerk.NRW
- MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg
- nordmedia – Film- und Mediengesellschaft Niedersachsen/Bremen
- WERK1.Bayern

Representatives of the thirteen partners that are Games Germany © Anna Kaduk
The umbrella organisation Games Germany will work closely together with the
national associations BIU and GAME as well as other trade associations. In addition
to its national activities, Games Germany also regards itself as a platform for
the regional networks and funders. The idea of an amalgamation was first presented
at the 2016 German Developer Awards. Games Germany appeared at the
Nordic Games in Malmö in May 2017 during its foundation phase.