We will provide you with a complete overview of what will happen at what time in the Made in Germany area next week. But already, please note in your diaries that we have switched halls and are now located in hall 4.1 in the business area. That makes it even more easy for you to reach us, as our hall is directly accessible through entrance west, the business entrance. We are looking forward to seeing you all there at one time or another. Make the best of the gamescom and maybe try to catch up on sleep already beforehand… It´s sure going to be exhausting days 🙂
Well, the GDC is already long gone in a sense, as there was a PAX already inbetween. We only want to give a short recap what happened for us at GDC, so you know and if you were not part of it, maybe keep it in mind for next year. Games Germany was partner, together with the GAME Bundesverband and our two members Mediennetzwerk.NRW and Games Bavaria at the German Reception. bout a hundred people met below the Oakland BAy Bridge for a relaxed evening far off the raunchous parties- Lots of business was discussed, but of course also food and drinks were consumed. We are glad, we all got the feedback that it was „a great evening“ or as some said „the best reception“ at GDC… So if you were not there, but want to get an invite for next year…drop us a line.
Also at the GDC Expo was the German Pavillion, were German companies presented themselves and also our member Mediennetzwerk.NRW who helped support some regional companies to get there. And of course all the mixers, parties, EGS, other side events,…but well you know and have already read about what happened there elsewhere. If not…well, drop us a line and we give you out 5 cents.
Yesterday it was decided that Gamescom will remain in Cologne for the forseeable future.
For 2019 it already was clear. It also was clear that we will have a Made in Germany area again in the business area and that some of our Games Germany members offer a place at their booths.
Please check out their offers and see whether you are eliglible:
The offer from games:net berlinbrandenburg can be found here
Whether you will become an exhibtor at one of our booths or whether you will be a visitor, we are looking forward to seeing you latest at gamescom, if not earlier, eg at the GDC or Nordic Game or…
The games industry in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia started organising itself to better their representation of interest:
Games & XR Mitteldeutschland
We congratulate the regional industry on that move and are looking forward to a great relationship. Our partner MDM is the regional fund and network in that part of Germany and was of course involved with the genesis and will continue to closely cooperate with them, as our other regional partners do so with similar structures in their respective regions.
We are very happy to congratulate our member Film und Medienstiftung NRW to their new guidelines. Today they announced that the EU has notified their new funding guidelines.
Concept and Prototype development money will be given as a grant of up to € 100.000.
Production can be funded with up to € 500.00 as a conditional loan.
Well,…it was a blast. Deutscher Entwicklerpreis 2018. A great show with great hosts, great nominees and amazing winners.
A night to be there and if you missed it, make sure next time.
We helped a little bit by supporting this event and sponsored a photo booth for all those who wanted to play around a bit and take home something to remember besides an award, if they were amongst the chosen ones.
Also our Bobby Car Porsche, the winning one from our race at the gamescom was auctioned of for Gaming Aid and it got the highest bid of the evening with €650,00. We are so happy to have contributed by that and our heartful thanks to all those who bid for it.
Today it officially starts: The games funding program in another federal state of Germany: The Saarland. For a start they have a budget of € 100.00 and the funding idea is based on three pillars: Money, networking and competence building.
it was a great gamescom in Cologne last week, wasn´t it?
We loved being there and having great meetings with all of you, whether you are German Games industry or from abroad.
Hopefully our efforts with the Made in Germany Area in hall 3.2 were of help to you to be more easily found, if you are Geman or to find the Germans, if you are from abroad.
Same goes for our schedule, giving you an overview what will happen when and wher in that area.
One thing we were asked about often was the Bobby Car Race, so here is the quick story:
Thursday in the afternoon things slow down a bit in the business area and we thought we could spice things up a bit. By racing through the hall. On toy cars for kids.
Each booth in the Made in Germany Area nominated one driver for that race.
Porsche sponsored us the race cars.
And we didn´t just do it for the fun of it:
The winning Porsche car will be autioned off by Gamind-Aid at the Deutscher Entwicklerpreis 2018.
If you don´t know Gaming-Aid, check them out here
There will be a clip of the race coming up soon, and some pictures on facebook.
So check it out, if you missed it live.
And already put it in your diary for next year.
It was fun to race and as we were told also fun to watch.
And even more so, as it is for charity.
Start packing and head for Cologne…Evoke, Devcom and all kinds of games related events are coming up. And of course the biggest of them all…the gamescom.
Meet us there. We are in the business area in hall 3.2 where you can find us in the „Made in Germany“ area.
And to make it even more easy for you we have again done a schedule of events hapenning in that area during the business days.
Once again we are proud to support the Indie Arena Booth at the gamescom.
This year by suppporting a German indie developer´s participation.
With the gamescom coming up the Indie Arena Booth today announced their line up.And Games Germany produdly annnounces that one game will be presented there with our support:
Path Out by Causa Creations.
Path Out is is an autobiographical adventure game, that allows the players to replay the journey of Abdullah Karam, a young Syrian artist that escaped the civil war in 2014. Camouflaged as a Japanese RPG, Path Out is a tale full of surprises, challenges and paradoxical humor, giving insight in this real-life adventure, on which Abdullah comments through youtube-style videos in the game.
Causa Creations are an indie developer studio based in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Games Germany is looking forward to seeing Path Out and many other cool indie games from arund the globe at the IAB @ gamescom later this month when the global games industry meets in Cologne, Germany.