
nordmedia is the central funding organization for media projects in the states of Lower Saxony and Bremen. The mission of the organization is to strengthen and further develop the multimedia cultural scene in Lower Saxony and Bremen in both quantitative and qualitative terms.


With funds from the Federal State of Lower Saxony nordmedia is able to support game developers by providing funding for projects in their different developmental stages: concepts, prototypes, production and the distribution of games with up to 100.000 Euro depending on the stage.


Beside our funding activities we carry out several outstanding projects and events aswell as serveral trading fairs at conferences like gamescom. Also the “APITs Lab” in cooperation with Innovationszentrum Niedersachsen act as a key link between representatives, game developers, digital creatives and the local industry, therefore employees in the management and marketing sectors of industry and economic branches. We bring together key participants from both sides through B2B workshops and events such as hackathons, Design Thinking, MeetUps etc.

Furthermore nordmedia and its strong partners – The German Trade Association of Interactive Entertainment Software (BIU) and the CeBIT – organize the “Serious Games Conference” as well as the “Serious Games Network”. The annual event’s concept includes lectures and discussions which focus on the Serious Games branch and its overall societal relevance.


Roman Winkler
funding advisor digital games
 +49 (0) 51112345661

nordmedia – Film- und Mediengesellschaft Niedersachsen/Bremen mbH

Expo Plaza 1
30539 Hannover