11.04.2019 |
Games Germany, regional Funds and Networks and game, the German Games Industry Association, invite you to kick-off the Nordic Game Conference!
Get to know us and the people you will spend the next 3 days with at our Warm Up Reception.
Join us for great talks, drinks, snacks, and networking in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the sunset over the docks!
See you there!
Date And Time
Tue, 21 May 2019
19:00 – 22:00 CEST
Restaurang M.E.C.K.
Stora Varvsgatan 6 (Media Evolution City)
Malmö, Sweden
Tickets available on eventbrite.
02.04.2019 |
Well, the GDC is already long gone in a sense, as there was a PAX already inbetween. We only want to give a short recap what happened for us at GDC, so you know and if you were not part of it, maybe keep it in mind for next year.
Games Germany was partner, together with the GAME Bundesverband and our two members Mediennetzwerk.NRW and Games Bavaria at the German Reception. bout a hundred people met below the Oakland BAy Bridge for a relaxed evening far off the raunchous parties- Lots of business was discussed, but of course also food and drinks were consumed. We are glad, we all got the feedback that it was „a great evening“ or as some said „the best reception“ at GDC… So if you were not there, but want to get an invite for next year…drop us a line.
Also at the GDC Expo was the German Pavillion, were German companies presented themselves and also our member Mediennetzwerk.NRW who helped support some regional companies to get there.
And of course all the mixers, parties, EGS, other side events,…but well you know and have already read about what happened there elsewhere. If not…well, drop us a line and we give you out 5 cents.